What is Sacred Sexual Healing?

Sacred Sexual Healing offers a way to dissolve shame and guilt around sexuality and to embrace the body and its natural ways of feeling pleasure and joy. It is a way to develop more self-love and greater self-esteem and offers techniques to heal all kinds of sexual dysfunction and trauma.

Sacred Sexual Healing consists of a combination of ancient tantra healing arts, modern psychology and neuroscience, completed with conscious communication and a focus on the inner union. Working towards inner union is a journey to wholeness and expansion, where one heals and embraces aspects within oneself instead of searching for them in the form of an ideal or perfect partner. This not only creates a more diverse and free experience of life but also supports your partner in being more authentic and creates healthier intimate relationships.  

The focus of Sacred Sexuality does not have to be therapeutic, although it often brings healing regardless. It can simply be the experience of a sensual tantra massage where nothing is expected or wanted from you. That is the point, to relax into being and be in the present moment, and experience life when sexual energy is allowed to flow freely without any goals. Genitals might be included, but not focused on, and the aim is not to orgasm, but to circulate vital energy throughout the whole body.

Sacred sexuality and tantra can also be a gateway to understanding that you are perfect, not broken and in need of fixing. When you realize that wholeness is closer than your own breath, magic can begin. When you consciously access and move sexual energy – alone or with a partner – you also have the possibility to experience altered states of consciousness and an expanded sense of reality.

Growing past limitations to live life to the fullest often requires inner-child work, trauma release, curiosity, education, exploration and openness to increasing emotional understanding. Sacred Sexual Healing is a powerful and rich tool for such growth.

The bigger picture

Many cultures and societies go to great lengths to control, repress, and shame people's sexuality and sexual expression. Did you know that the pubic bone is even called the “shame bone” in several languages? This is not the only part of our bodies marked with shame, and the same holds true for a great many sensual and sexual activities and ways of being. From an energetic point of view, most of us literally vibrate with shame, and a person full of fear and shame is a person easily controlled by others.  

Why is it like this? An idea shared by both ancient and modern practitioners of Sacred Sexuality is that sexual energy is the most powerful creative source in the universe. When we learn to access and circulate this energy in our bodies, we become more integrated with the source and filled up from within. We become naturally more satisfied and joyful, and less easy to control. So Sacred Sexuality goes beyond both healing and pleasure -- it is a path towards empowerment, freedom and life as a fulfilled and joyful sacred being.


In ancient cultures, special temples were created for priestesses and women specially trained in transmitting energy through dance and sacred sexual healing arts. These women were worshipped, respected and adored for their unique gifts and healing abilities. Some call them Daikinis. It is their path we tread as we continue to explore the gifts of Sacred Sexual Healing. 

General guidelines for working with Sanna

  • Before booking, always contact Sanna for an initial consultation

  • Sessions do NOT include any sexual services, exchange of bodily fluids or intercourse.

  • Payment of sessions is 50% in advance, and 50% upon arrival.

  • If you cancel within 24 hours of your session, the cancellation fee is 50% of your total session cost. Earlier cancellations are free.

  • Your boundaries will be clearly outlined together with Sanna, and respected  and honored at all times.

  • Please arrive fresh and clean.