Into the wild


Into the wild

Earth mother, beings of the planet. Feeling of the being being of the being. Feeling the being as the whole - outside looking in as receptive for outer, feeling allowing surrendering. Only then the true mysetery will arise, only then the full story of life can appear only then the conencting threads will be visible in light. - Sanna Sanita


A side effect of being disconnected...


A side effect of being disconnected...


“There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own Soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”

-Carl Gustav Jung


The scary thing with ppl being disconnected from source is that they are capable of doing anything to fill their own egocentric gap, to use and missuse others for their own wealth and wellbeing. A person naturally connected, doesn't abuse. Many living from the disconnected place doesn't feel their own suffering of such actions either. And it doesn't matter to express or reflect. It won't sink in. Actions will always be used as a mean to strengthen the "survival mechanism" through increase power and being someone. And that part will never ever be fulfilled. Look at many rulers in the world. Cruelty rules in many corners. Grandiose structured dangerous men and women in power positions. And some other sociopaths, narcissists and psychopaths around the globe.

And of course, many of us play different power games... but that's another topic.


In the core, weathet we know it or not, we all simply want to expereince belonging and love and the rest is a cover up and survival strategies that taken an more or less extreme...



Disconnection and true Longing of the human heart


Disconnection and true Longing of the human heart

A thought, experience and direct calling of the heart.

Humanity nowadays is quite disconnected from its sensations, inner world, and the true nature of reality. This is mostly experienced as a deep unfulfilled longing which feeds greed, consumerism and separation. Many spiritual traditions talk about this as the core suffering of humanity. The gap between our soul and human experience can never be incommensurably satisfied from outer stimuli. The only cure for this, is to go inwards, to re-connect with the soul and senses and use this as a bridge to fulfillment.

One way to reconnect is through nature...


Why do You do spiritual practice?


Why do You do spiritual practice?

Orgasmic Living

I wonder when we´ll understand the relationship between epic orgasms, nature and inner reality? Pleasure is to be found everywhere, in anything. Awe and grace is forever present, its a shift of perception. A true tantrika, find the beauty in all. Thats tantra, use everything for the sake of liberation. Open your eyes, see the beauty - inside out. Not dependend on anything or anyone. And of course, again, its not a mind thing, its a neurological change and deep shift.. and isnt always that easy ;)

Though, as a start...

Experiment, letting go of the idea " I need to do seomthing to fix something " or " I do this cus am not good enough " Instead, use the practice as a curious exploration of divine manifestation.
Ask yourself:
- How can i use this practice for my ultimate expression of divine manifestation?
And just feel that..

If using the practice from a sense of, not good enough... its more heavy and limitied.
if using the practice from, what else is possible? I want to experience it all as divine expression..
Than its limitless....

For now, just feel the differencein the body of thinking in that way...

Kisses, Sanita

P.s In love with life and its endless possiblities


The Kiss of Life

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The Kiss of Life

Just been out for a walk pondering life. Had a little moment of aha ... the humble sweet feeling of universal grace kissing my depth... brings a tear into eye. A sweetness in heart. Chills on the arms... the knowing of not knowing the longing of home...

How come?

I don't get it, there is nothing to get.. at the same time it's so profound when it touches being and yet, the here and now, so ordinary flat - yet that too is the profound....The feeling is different.

And it's a matter of shift of perceptions.And I wanna live in that - yet I do - we all do - but not.. but yes.

It's the feeling, the humbleness, the calling, the longing... deep deep inside. Life... a sweet kiss one moment and then the winds of ignorance blows once more...

And back again....

It just is, and some moments more sweet, yes as sweeeeeet, than others.

Thoug, there is no moment.

It's just happening...

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The Void


The Void

The Void, the black hole. The Pitch black, formless. Nothing. And out of nothing where all life happenes. And happening. It's only happening, with no beginning and no end. A steady ever present manifesto of the formless form in multiple forms...

The void, always present, can be a scary place, seem to be lifeless, dark and silent. Scary, til we learn the great potential what actually is, and the magic that is possible to create when knowing about. The knowing within ourselves, as ourselves. As creators. The microcosmos in the macro cosmos and vice versa. The weakest weakness in the greatest power. And vice versa. The deepest longing and greatest fear... life and death. Really, no separation. Two sides of the same coin. Yet the coin only really has one side...

We have an enormous capacity... to create. Most just don't know it - yet.

This human ride.... wow.







I scratch my head, wondering what the heck am doing. Questioning the chosen path and how I make my living... And believe me, my parents and some friends does as well. I hear all kinds of roomers, which I mostly laugh from..

I am also watching the deep conditioning of shame and guilt, the "ugliness" of sexuality... they too, has been deep in my bones, thou am consciously choosing to break free from chains I still catch some that lurks in the dark...

And in the mist of forgetting, questioning, wondering...

I receive such wonderful testimonials from clients.
Two women how has regained their full sense in the yoni, and one adult man who has struggled with erectile dysfunction and after 4 sessions, experienced erection for the first time with a women...

Now, I do not mean to brag with this, I share and most of all, I remind myself that profound life changes are happening, seriously - it is big, people re-claiming their power and life from all kinds of traumas. New life..and that is absolutely wonderful to be a channel for such support...

May I be at service.
